Lodge of Fraternal Unity


Lodge History

History of The Lodge of Fraternal Unity No. 7330

The Lodge of Fraternal Unity was formed (consecrated) in 1954. W. Bro. Frank Smith wrote the original chapters up to the Lodge’s 40th anniversary in 1994. W. Bro. Mitchell Wax and W. Bro. Brian Skinner continued the work and have added new chapters to the History.  It will never be complete and the Lodge is successfully moving forward to shortly celebrate its 70th anniversary  in 2024.

The following history provides a brief glimpse into the past and looks promisingly to the future.


When the blast and dust of the Second World War had abated, certain members of the Silver Jubilee Lodge thought they should form a daughter lodge to accommodate ex-members of the West Central Jewish Boys Club of Fitzroy Square and ex-pupils of the Westminster Jew’s Free School in Hanway Place.

Not all of the Founders, however, qualified under both of the headings. But, among those that who did were W. Bro. Philip Taylor, W. Bro. George Dessar, W. Bro. Jack Goodman, W. Bro. Michael Goldberg, W. Bro. Sam Conway, to name but a few. The complete names of the Founders always appear in the Lodge Summons.  The following diagram shows the genealogy of the Lodge.

A History of the Formation and Development of the
Lodge of Fraternal Unity No. 7330
on the Register of the United Grand Lodge of England

Lodge of Tranquillity No. 185
Consecrated 1787

Samson Lodge No, 1668
Consecrated 1877

Silver Jubilee Lodge no. 5535
Consecrated 1935

Lodge of Fraternal Unity No. 7330
Consecrated 1954

The first Master of the Lodge, W. Bro. Philip Taylor, initiated his son Derek Taylor into Freemasonary. At the third meeting, Harry Errington, holder of the George Cross for bravery, together with Major Josh Stevens were initiated.

At the November 1956, a Banner was presented to the Lodge by Brother Charles Abraham’s and was dedicated by V. W. Bro. The Reverend G. W. Page P. G. Chaplain and others.  All assisting officers were members of the Silver Jubilee Lodge, our mother lodge. This Banner is still used in our meetings.

In the April 1962 meeting, the first initiate of the Lodge, Bro. Derek Taylor was installed as Master of the Lodge.

In May 1963, Bro. Mitch Wax was initiated.

In April 1966, W. Bro. Sam Lazarus, father of W. Bro. Tony Lazarus, was installed as Master. At the same meeting, W. Bro. Philip Taylor, who had by then been promoted to P.A.G.D.C. in Grand Lodge and who had been the guiding light in the Founding of the Lodge and was its first Master, Chaplain and Secretary, was elected as an Honorary member in recognition of his services.

During the subsequent decade, most of the original Founders passed onto the Grand Lodge above. Amongst those who were called were W. Bro. Michael Goldberg, W. Bro. Charles Abrahams, W. Bro. Philip Taylor and W. Bro. Dave Wax.

In April 1976, Bro. Louis Jeffries was installed into the Chair of King Solomon, W. Bro. Frank Smith was appointed as Secretary and W. Bro. Ben Stock appointed as Charity Steward, the first year of the Office of Charity Steward. Mr. Lewis Lane was balloted as a candidate for Freemasonary.

In April 1977, it was announced that another one of our Founders, W. Bro. Bernard Herson had been appointed PAGDC.

The 100th meeting was held in October 1977, where Mr. Anthony Lazarus was successfully balloted for.

Mr. Anthony Price was initiated in January 1979, with W. Bro. Derek Taylor delivering the Charge to the Initiate.

1979 was also our Silver Jubilee year, with W. Bro. Mitch Wax who introduced the proceedings by recalling the names of the Founders of the Lodge who had been called to the Grand Lodge above.

In early 1982, the Lodge Secretary W. Bro. Albert Tanner died suddenly and W. Bro. Louis Jeffries stepped into his breach. In May 1983, W. Bro. Sid Levine retired as Lodge of Instruction Preceptor. W. Bro. Manny Silverton was duly elected as Preceptor with W. Bro. Mitch Wax as deputy Preceptor.

April 1985 saw the installation of Bro. Lewis Lane  to the Chair. At the same meeting, a proposition for initiation was read in respect of Mr. Brian Skinner. At the installation of Bro. Stanley Warren in April 1986, it was sadly announced that one of our two remaining Honorary members and Consecrating Officer, R. W. Bro.

Tommy Langton M.C., D.L., Provincial Grand Master of Hampshire had passed away.

1988 was also a bad year for losses as we learned that W. Bro. Stanley Waterman had passed. 1989 also saw our Grand Officer and Founder W. Bro. Bernard Herson PAGDC. had departed this life.

In the meeting held in May 1990, a wonderful explanation was presented to the Lodge by Brothers Barry Capal, Brian Skinner, Anthony Lazarus and W. Brothers Mitch Wax, David Graham and the Master, W. Bro. Adrian Scheps.

In April 1991, Bro. Barry Capal was duly installed into the Chair of King Solomon.

In January 1992, another of our Founders W. Bro. Jack Goodman passed on, leaving just two surviving Founders W. Brothers Ben Stock and Sid Levine, who were duly elected to Honorary Membership.

In October 1992, a jewel commemorating the 275th Anniversary of the formation of Grand Lodge was presented to the W. Master, W. Bro. David Aminzade, which was affixed to the Masters Collar.

We commemorated our 40th Anniversary in April 1994, which coincided with the installation of Bro. Brian Skinner, in the Grand Temple. During the fortieth year, Honorary membership was extended to W. Bro. Sam Lazarus LGR and to Brother Harry Errington.

In 1995, W. Bro. Brian Skinner duly installed Bro. Michael Myers into the Chair of King Solomon. Also in 1995, W. Bro. Mitch Wax was elevated to the dignity of Grand Office.

1996 saw W. Bro. Michael Myers install W. Bro. David Graham LGCR as Master of the Lodge.

1997 saw the passing of W. Bro. Frank Smith and in 1998 saw the untimely passing of W. Bro. David Graham LGCR.

W. Bro. David Graham’s son was initiated in October 1999. During the subsequent years, other sons have joined the Lodge, for instance; Scott Price, Jonathon and Adam Capal, Michael Aminzade, Eirun and Assaf Arbiser, Ben and Barnaby Skinner. The family characteristic being that fathers would initiate their sons into Freemasonary, wherever possible.

As preparations were being carried out for The Golden Jubilee of the Lodge of Fraternal Unity, our Fiftieth year, we sadly learned of the passing of W. Bro. Ben Stock SLGR.

During the Mastership of W. Bro. Steven Sandler, a steering committee was formed to form a structure to the proceedings required for the celebration of the lodge’s fiftieth year.

The Golden Anniversary was held in March 2004 on the actual fiftieth anniversary of our first consecration meeting in 1954. The ceremony was adorned with new extended workings, which have become a trademark practice within our Lodge.

The Metropolitan Chairman of our Group, W. Bro. David Taylor PJGD, graced the Lodge with his presence, accompanied by his Director of Ceremonies W. Bro. David Wilkinson PAGDC, and our own visiting officer W. Bro. Neil Mills PAGPurs.

The newly installed Master, W. Bro. Michael Bennett, then called W. Bro. Sid Levine to preside over the Jubilee ceremony. The subsequent Festive Board was also truly memorable, with the Toast to Visitors given by W. Bro. Derek Taylor, the son of the Founder and First Master, W. Bro. Philip Taylor.

In 2007, Bro. Anthony Cohen was installed into the Chair with Bro. Daniel Graham following a year later.

The following five years were blessed with more sons in the form of Bro. Adam Capal installed in 2012, Bro. Michael Aminzade in 2013, Brothers Ben Skinner and Barnaby Skinner in subsequent years 2014 and 2015, and Bro. Anthony Lane in 2016. I

In 2014, the Lodge celebrated its sixtieth year anniversary during W. Bro. Ben Skinner’s year.

2017 saw Bro. Neil Martin being duly installed with Bro. Justyn Lucas being installed in 2018.

During the intervening years between 2004 and 2020, a succession of Masters have graced the Chair of King Solomon, among them Worshipful Brethren, presiding a second time over the Lodge and newly installed Brethren. Of the Worshipful Brethren were; W. Bro. Barry Capal in 2005, W. Bro. Mitch Wax in 2006, W. Bro. Anthony Price in 2009/10, W. Bro. Brian Skinner in 2011, and W. Bro. David Aminzade in 2019. This brief history is an attempt to encapsulate sixty plus years of life in the Lodge. At best it can be only taken as a brief summary or representation of the rich tapestry of events of our Lodge. For further information, please refer to the “Lodge of Fraternal Unity No. 7330 – The First Fifty Years” booklet, as produced by W. Brethren Frank Smith and Mitch Wax.


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